Jan 29, 2010 3:44:04 GMT -5
Post by James Clement on Jan 29, 2010 3:44:04 GMT -5
Yeah everything worked out great. Rob got immunity and he ran and told me about it. I'm set up real nice right now. I got a cross tribal alliance with Rob, Alicia and I from the brawns plus Yul, PG and now Rafe from Brains. Plus I found out Brenden is JT so that's another there. I am worried about it becoming to big, because 6 is the majority at the merge and 7 is a crowd. So I'll definitely have to back stab at least some of those people at some point. So I'll be looking forward to that
Jan 29, 2010 4:29:59 GMT -5
Post by Tom Westman on Jan 29, 2010 4:29:59 GMT -5
just dont get caught on the receiving end of that yourself
Feb 2, 2010 6:51:47 GMT -5
Post by James Clement on Feb 2, 2010 6:51:47 GMT -5
haha I'll try Tawmmy. So every thing is going good on my tribe since we won 2 immunities. But the problem is what's on the other tribe. Apparently after Jaime is voted out this round, Rafe is in trouble. Because from what I can gather from Brenden, Yul has an alliance on the other side which is sorta like are all males alliance. If Rafe goes that's bad for me because a) He's in the cross tribe alliance and his departure could fracture it and b) Rafe's a friend of mine and I know he would be loyal to me no matter what. So I'm reallly hoping for the infamous tribal switch up is coming up soon so I can get this massive alliance to the merge intact. But anyways I really like Brenden now and I think I could go far with him, but I have found out he's closer to Yul then I thought last season, so that obviously could bit me in the ass. But yeah, I feel real comfortable with were I am in the game right now.
Feb 4, 2010 7:46:00 GMT -5
Post by James Clement on Feb 4, 2010 7:46:00 GMT -5
How well do you think your tribe is unified? --- On a scale of one to ten. 4.
If you could vote out someone right now who would it be? -- Kelly
Who do you think is running the show? Do you plan on trying to stop them? -- I am running the show, so no.
Who do you perceive as the strongest in your tribe? Do you find them to be an ally or an enemy? -- Rob. He is my closest ally
How has your strategy coming into the game changed or not changed? -- It has slightly. I might be more loyal :-\
Feb 6, 2010 0:45:24 GMT -5
Post by James Clement on Feb 6, 2010 0:45:24 GMT -5
I just wanna start off this post talking about how annoying Rob is. I like him and he's a good allie for me to have because he tells he everything. But that's the problem he tells me EVERYTHING!
Every message he gets, every thought that goes through his head, every time he farts he has to send me a message!
Here's an example of what I'm talking about...
Okay a) Wtf does that mean? b) Was that really worth making a big deal out of?
It's gotten worse now that we're on different tribes. I think he has separation issues :-\
But I still trust him. But I definitely AM NOT going to go up against him in F2.
Now onto the tribe switch. It is great for me!
Rob and I ended up on different tribes. But the way the tribes worked out Rob is in control of his tribe and I am in control of mine.
I already got Alicia and Darrah BEGGING me to keep Brawns together. And I know Rafe outside this game and he says he's down for voting with us. And Russell and I have a 2 way alliance. So I can send who ever I want home.
It'll be Nicole or Natalie. I sent them both messages and whomever I like less is gone. Rob wants me to take out Good Nat but I might wanna just take Nicole out to prove I'm not riding coattails. But we'll see what happens.
Feb 6, 2010 19:33:39 GMT -5
Post by James Clement on Feb 6, 2010 19:33:39 GMT -5
So we lost. It would be fine because I've got Darrah, Rafe and Russell on my side. I've also got Alica but she is freaking out! And it's freaking me out that she's freaking out. Because if she had confidence Nicole would be gone and she would be good to the merge. But instead she's worried about Darrah staying loyal. Major wtf!?!
So the weird thing is I'm not worried about the people against me this round, I'm worried about my closest ally freaking out on me. On the other hand if she votes Nicole this round I know I can trust her for the rest of this game.
Also I deliberately made Nicole the target because Rob wants Natalie gone and going into a merge and even as far ahead as F2/3 I need to prove I'm not riding coattails. But I'll tell Rob just before the vote so he doesn't feel backstabbed.
Oh yeah to elaborate on a brief point I made last post, I don't wanna go up against Rob in F2 because he would beat me. You see I have social and strategical games down packed! But so does Rob. So he would be my biggest threat and taking him to the end with me would make me look like a dumb ass not worthy of votes. But it's early days yet, so we'll see what happens.